Friday, November 17, 2006

Beaujolais Primeur 2006

This has been a big surprise and a big difference from previous years: this Beaujolais Nouveau 2006 is good! Not sure if this is only this producer, Domaine Ruet which I never had before, or the whole production but the bottle I drank was good as a "good wine" and not only a "good juice". Not this banana taste which usually characterize this wine but richer flavors balancing well with alcohol and nice red color (not much pink). I tasted it and bought the bottle at a wine bar/store in SF called Wine where I never been before but which seems to carry a good selection of wines. It was a little more expensive ($13) than usually what Beaujolais Nouveau cost (under $10) but it can be found a little bit cheaper at K&L wines.
Don't drink too much! it's really easy wine ;-)

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